Latest Release

Butterfly Lake: A Crime Drama

Gary and Maddy Richards wanted to spend some time with their two daughters before they both left home for college.

The circumstances that presented themselves. allowed them to plan an extensive trip to Alaska and all was ripe for a great time until their trip was interrupted by... 'The Heist of the Century'.

left quote The writing is extremely creative and full of imagery.   I love that the story is short.   It swept my mind away from the day to day and kept me engrossed in the story.   Honestly I enjoyed it so much I wish it was just a little bit longer as it ended quickly.   I also love that I felt like I was stepping back in time into another world.

Creative Writing Masterpiece... ~ T.

Denny has a creative mind and this story flows as if you are following a dream. The story tells the tale of a bar keeper's teenage son who works his way through a variety of jobs as he makes his way to the coast to join a sailing crew and eventually makes his way to the New World.   Along the way,  he and companions share a few 'miss' - adventures.

Like Watching A Dream... ~ D.J.H.

The story arc is lovely. Tells of the characters moving in and out of the life of the protagonist. I literally cried at the ending. Not going to give any spoilers though. Every single day enjoy the blessings that surround you. Be grateful for the bounty right in front of yourself. Open your eyes and heart and embrace the joy.

It is a fund read. I liked the story arc of all the characters. ~ G. P.

Nice Read with a nice twist finish. I enjoyed the layout of family life and first job jitters. Fast read.

Fast Read. ~ J. M.

A bit of a step into the “Twilight Zone”… up till the very end, you just never quite knew where it was going…

A bit of a step into the “Twilight Zone”… ~ P.

I love the story telling style of the author. It is like he is sitting across from you and describing the San Francisco and Bay Area artist, music, counter-culture and vibe of that trippy era. Has a very real and authentic immersion of that psychedelic age.

A journey through the groovy period of the San Francisco in 1960s and 1970s. ~ G.P.

Reading this book felt to me like reading a mini version of my fave book On The Road by Jack Kerouac. I teared up in parts and laughed in others!! Well worth the read if you fancy delving into the life of guy who has truly lived!

Reminded me in parts of On The Road. ~ Y. A.

This novella will appeal to lovers of San Francisco history and introduce other readers to its rich past. The story traces the path of its heroine Abigail Busby from the modest beginnings of her family in France to the top tier of San Francisco society. Along the way we visit many of the city's iconic landmarks and meet some of her legendary figures. Abigail herself is a fascinating woman whose life makes this an interesting read.

This novella will appeal to lovers of San Francisco history… ~ A. C.

It convinced me to try it. When everything you hear from your doctor (I had 3 different ones) is like they are reading the same manuscript and offering nothing different… it was time to look for myself!

When everything you hear from your doctor (I had 3 different ones) is like they are reading the same manuscript and offering nothing… ~ T. O. G.

Mr. Magic comes through with different experiences with aliens!


The writing is extremely creative and full of imagery. I love that the story is short. It swept my mind away from the day to day and kept me engrossed in the story. Honestly I enjoyed it so much I wish it was just a little bit longer as it ended quickly. I also felt like I was stepping back in time into another world.

Creative writing masterpiece. ~ T.

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